Friday, 9 January 2015

Tips for butterfly photography 2

I said I would upload some of my photos. Here they are. The first and second are taken in close-up. These 2 butterflies were very much patient and were sitting for a long time. Not all butterflies will be patient, so you gotta be quick for capturing them as soon as you see them. The fourth one is very much furious and you gotta be very fast and should not leave a opportunity to capture this one as this butterfly doesn't sit often. I have given some tips for butterfly photography in my last post. Go this this link and read it, you will really feel this

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Monday, 29 December 2014

Tips for Butterfly photography

The butterflies are one of the wonders of nature. Watching them fly gives us a wonderful feeling. But capturing them in your cameras gives more better feeling than that. But you can’t photograph them easily. If it was easy then everyone could have. But it’s not an impossible task. So, here are some tips to capture them:
  • 1. Don’t make heavy sounds, not small sounds too. It’ll scare them away.
  • 2. Don’t wait for a perfect moment. Capture it when it will be sitting. They don’t sit often, but when they do you have to be ready to capture them.
  • 3. Always use Burst mode/ Continuous mode when photographing butterflies. It’s because when you capture more than 5 or 10 shots you’ll probably have a chance to get a better one out of it.
  • 4. DON’T roll back and start watching the pics you have taken. If you do so you may miss the chance of a good shot.
  • 5. Use faster shutter speed. If you cant configure the shutter speed in your camera then use “Sports Mode”. This will ensure that you won’t get much of blurred action.

These are the primary tips. For more updates keep checking my blog. If you feel this helpful don't forget to share and like. If you feel some improvements should be made, please suggest that. Thank you.
In my next post I’ll upload some of my photos.